Sunday, July 29, 2012


"And toward this house went a woman; when she raised her hands and opened the door before her, brightness gleamed from her hands, both over sky and sea, and all the worlds were illumined of her."
    Gylfaginning, 37.

In mythology, Gerðr is a jotunn and the wife of the great god Freyr, who became sullen after having seen her, so great was her beauty. Considering the light literally shines out from her, we can forgive Freyr his bout of teenage-like obsession and sulking. He even goes so far as to have his foot-page (read as "wing man", in my opinion) go chat her up on his behalf.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Huginn and Muninn

O'er Midgard Huginn and Muninn both
Each day set forth to fly;
For Huginn I fear lest he come not home,
But for Muninn my care is more.
-Odin,  Grímnismál
Pen and ink with digital color.