Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Typical Beginning

Jetlag is something of a cruel mistress. It's almost 7 am in Norway, which means it is almost 10 pm in Arizona, so what better time to get up and write a blogpost than when everyone is going to bed and no one is awake in the local area?

That's right. No time makes more logical sense.

The general purpose of this blog is going to be sharing my time in Norway, whether it be through photos, sketches, or a series of awkward comments that have carried me through my non-English speaking country day. (To be fair, Norwegians have an incredible English literacy rate.) As I am often terrible about making consistent posts that involve hearty essentials like content and relevance, it will likely be more of the former than the latter. If at any point I dissolve into commentary over the unusual flavors of cream cheese, I hope that someone will do the humane thing and put me out of my misery.

Or at least contribute.

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